
Heat Networks

Enhance your technical knowledge and skills...

Register for one of 800 fully funded places on our Heat Networks Foundation course - available now. Places will be issued on a first come, first served basis so register now to secure your fully funded training. 

This short one hour online course has been developed by Manufacturers of Equipment for Heat Networks Association (MEHNA), Thermal Insulation Contractors Association (TICA) and the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) to support the governments Net Zero targets.

Heat Networks logos

Heat Networks Foundation Course

The course covers various aspects related to the design, operation and management of heat networks, providing you with an overall awareness.

There is growing demand for professionals who can design, implement and manage heat network systems so make the most of this opportunity and become more competitive in the market.

Why should I register?

  • Save £150 by upskilling on this fully funded course
  • Enhance your technical knowledge and skills 
  • Become more competitive in the job market and open up new career opportunities
  • Help shape the future of UK energy

This industry is evolving and expanding - don't get left behind...

Construction manager and engineer working on building site

Who is the course for?

This course is suitable for everyone working in the building engineering services industry, technical or non-technical. There are no pre-requisites required to register for this introductory course.

What does the course cover?

The course provides an introduction to Heat Networks, covering the following seven areas:

  1. Basic principles and key components of a Heat Network
  2. Diversified loads
  3. Evolution and differences between 3GDH, 4GDH and 5GDH heat networks
  4. Thermostatic and electronic Heat Interface Units (HIUs)
  5. Components found in an HIU and explanation of their function
  6. Importance of water treatment in Heat Networks
  7. Basics of thermal insulation specification for secondary systems

Upskill in three easy steps


Complete the online training on the BESA Academy platform

Once completed, download your certificate


Places will be issued on a first come first served basis, so don't delay, register today!