
Become A BESA Member

Discuss Your Membership Options?

Joining BESA is a powerful declaration of your unwavering commitment to excellence in the eyes of the world. This pledge is sure to resonate with your current and future customers, employees, and contacts, establishing your reputation as a top-tier industry player.

Our selection of memberships unlocks lots of benefits, including exclusive offers and a dedicated team to support you, your employees, and your business.

Whether you're a contractor, manufacturer, supplier, or simply an enthusiast of the building engineering services sector, we have you covered.

Fill out our membership enquiry form today, and one of our team members will get in touch to discuss the perfect membership package for you and your company.

Not sure which membership is right for you? ARE YOU A ...

If You're A Contractor Or Sub-Contractor:


It's likely that the BESA Contractor Membership is the right one for you.

This BESA Membership is for sole traders or companies actively involved in the provision of domestic, commercial or industrial building engineering services.

If you provide one or more of the following in-scope work types:

  • Air Conditioning
  • Refrigeration
  • Heat Pumps
  • Facilities Services and Maintenance
  • Hard FM
  • Ductwork Maintenance
  • Ductwork Cleaning and Vent Hygiene
  • Heating and Hot Water
  • Plumbing and Pipework
  • Installation of Ductwork
  • Automatic Control Systems
  • Fire Protection Engineering
  • Automatic Fire Systems
  • Renewable Technologies

Our contractor membership pricing:

BESA Membership subscription fees are based on your annual in-scope turnover, as shown on the table to the right. (exclusive of VAT)

Included in your membership fee is your BESA Competence Assessment Standard (CAS) audit, which a requirement for membership. You and your employees will also have access to our in house team of experts on technical, employment, legal and health and safety issues, as well a whole host of other benefits.

Start your membership journey today and become part of our building services community now.

In-Scope Turnover Range Band Fee
£0-£750,000 1 £1,550
£750,001-£2,900,000 2 £3,750
£2,900,001-£5,000,000 3 £5,500
£5,000,001-£12,500,000 4 £8,500
£12,500,001-£20,000,000 5 £12,500
£20,000,001-£30,000,000 6 £21,000
Over £30,000,001 7 £26,000


If You're A Manufacturer Or Supplier:


It's likely that the BESA Affiliate Membership is the right one for you.

BESA Affiliate membership is for manufacturers, distributors and consultancies operating within the Building Services sector. Join BESA as an Affiliate Member to:

  • Drive and improve the building services sector
  • Raise your profile within the sector and demonstrate thought leadership
  • Showcase your technology, products and services

Becoming a BESA Affiliate gives you the unrivalled opportunity to put your name, products and services in front of 1,000 key contractors operating across the building engineering services sector. It is an exclusive way to help raise your company’s profile within the industry and help shape its standards.

Clients don’t buy products shrink-wrapped on a pallet, they buy a package that can include design, installation, commissioning and maintenance – all services offered by BESA members.

Affiliate membership runs for one year form the date of joining and the subscription is based on UK turnover in the following bands:

Turnover Band Fee
Less than £10,000,000 1 £1,100
£10,000,001 - £50,000,000 2 £2,750
Over £50,000,000 3 £5,500

By joining the Affiliate Membership you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

If You're An Individual Involved In Or With An Interest In The Building Engineering Services Industry:


It's likely that the BESA Associate Membership is the right one for you.

BESA Associate membership is for individuals connected to the Building Services sector, who wish to become part of the wider BESA Community. This membership is open to:

  • Apprentices or trainees within building services sector, with an interest in continuing their professional development
  • Industry experts or academics and consultants who wish to exchange views, information and best practice
  • Employees at a BESA Contractor or Affiliate Member company
  • Those who are retired, have been made redundant or unemployed and wish to retain their connection to the building services sector
  • Anyone with an interest in building engineering services professions or the industry

A BESA Community, where you can exchange views and knowledge; mentor the next generation or benefit from the wealth of experience held within the sector.

By joining the Associate Membership you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Discover The Benefits Of BESA Membership And Submit Your Enquiry Today.

With the evolving nature of the building engineering services sector, it is possible that some companies active in the industry aren't reflected in our membership categories.

If you are involved in such a company, and would like to be a part of the BESA Community, please get in touch.

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