
BESA 2024 Manifesto

Introduction to the BESA 2024 Manifesto

David Frise 2024

David Frise, Chief Executive 

"I am delighted to be launching the Building Engineering Services Association manifesto which contains a range of policy proposals that we believe the next UK Government should deliver following the General Election on 4 July.

Our industry is an important part of the construction and maintenance sector. Members design, install and service heating, cooling and refrigeration systems in our homes, offices, factories, public buildings and places that we rely on to get from A to B. In its simplest form, building services turn our homes and workplaces from shells into functional buildings.

The efficient and safe operation of our buildings is becoming increasingly important. More of us want systems that use energy efficiently, run on renewable sources and provide clean air at the right temperature. Our industry is consequently becoming a proportionately more valuable part of the Built Environment.

That bodes well for the success of the industry and our contribution to UK plc and society at large. But there are some big structural challenges which we need to work together on to put in place durable solutions."

Budget Representation: Autumn 2024

Building safety is not just about adhering to the rules. It is about ensuring that Government and industry work together to create a positive culture that tackles poor behaviour and conduct within regulatory regime that all participants have confidence in.

As the UK Government sets out the Autumn budget, BESA has submitted a budget representation reflecting the asks we’ve made in the manifesto. 


Creating a business environment in which our members thrive

Our members continuously tell us is that the greatest challenge to their operations is late payment. This issue is common not only across our more than 1,000 members, but across construction’s nearly 1,000,000 registered firms too. It is an issue that will affect all areas of work, from standards and quality, to skills, higher pay and investment to service new markets. It also has a damaging impact on the mental health of those who lead small businesses.

Ensuring building safety drives the conversation

Building Safety is not just about adhering to the rules. It is about ensuring the industry creates a positive culture to tackle poor behaviour and conduct, acts accordingly and maintains an emphasis on safety.


Future proofing the industry

The skills gap continues to widen and must be addressed. Only 8.5% of those studying a qualification to enter our industry end up getting a job in our industry. We must attract new talent by supporting skills, training and apprenticeship opportunities throughout the supply chain, as well as investing in our existing skilled workforce, in order to grow our workforce.  

Making Net Zero a reality

Decarbonising home heating remains one of the biggest challenges the UK faces on its journey to Net Zero. The UK has some of the oldest and draughtiest housing stock in Europe and heating buildings accounted for around 20% of the country’s emissions in 2022

Healthy buildings

More than 80% of a typical adult day is spent indoors. This means the quality of the air we breathe in our homes, workplaces and public buildings is critically important. Poor ventilation and indoor air quality is a looming health issue and a failure to tackle it has a far greater impact on us all than outdoor air quality