
Skills & Training Hub

Last updated 08/10/2024

Building Standards, Supercharging Skills

Our Skills Hub is regularly updated with the latest information and guidance so that you have everything skills related in one accessible place. We've split it out into the following key areas:

Have Your Say 

HVACR National Occupational Standards Survey:

In 2024 we undertook a UK-wide consultation to identify any required updates, changes, re-shaping of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for those working in HVACR roles across the UK to ensure their ongoing fitness-for-purpose. The feedback was collated, analysed and discussed with expert groups of employers, stakeholders and providers where changes were agreed and made to the NOS.

We would like to give you one final opportunity to contribute to the Review of UK National Occupational Standards (NOS) in HVACR by completing the survey here by noon Friday 21st February. 

Indoor Air Quality National Occupational Standards Feedback:

BESA is working with Building Services Engineering Ltd (BSE Skills) to develop a suite of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for those working in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) roles across the UK.

We are required to consult with employers, employees and stakeholders across all four nations to ensure that National Occupational Standards (NOS) are technically fit-for-purpose and reflect the evolving nature of work as we seek to satisfy customer demand and contribute to Net Zero targets.

We would be obliged if you could take the time to read the consultation document here and provide feedback by noon on Friday 28th February to

Skills Hub - You Said, We Did 

Over the last 18 months we have conducted a number of extensive surveys to help us better understand the skills related issues you currently face within the industry. This research has helped inform the services we offer and identify any gaps.

To no surprise, one of the key challenges identified is the chronic skills shortage which is affecting the ability of members and wider industry to recruit and nurture new talent into the sector. With this in mind, we have been working hard to develop a new School Engagement and Engineering Discovery Programme in partnership with Built Environment Skills in Schools (BESS). This programme aims to train businesses operating within our industry to better engage the next generation of skilled workers. 

We have also set up a new 'Outreach Team', who will be attending a variety of careers fairs taking place across the country, representing building engineering services and showcasing the opportunities available in our industry. Engaging and attracting the next generation.

Below you will find a selection of services and valuable information available for you to explore. Feel free to click on the quick links below to access further reading materials.

Industry Representation

Be heard and have your say when it comes to skills development and building a better, safer built environment. 
Skills Advisory Service

Skills Advisory Service

Providing you and your workforce with advice and guidance on skills and training.

Industry Accreditation Explained

Understand more about how Industry Accreditation might impact you, your workforce or your supply chain.
Teacher and pupils working at desk together at the elementary school

SEED Programme

Find out more about our new School Engagement Programme, and how your business can get involved and help engage the next generation.
Level 3 Technician Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships in Building Services

Interested in taking on an apprentice? Invest in the future by finding talent that is right for your business.

Building Engineering Services Training

Industry Training

Looking for training? Take a look at the courses available via BESA Academy, the learning solution for building services engineers.

BESA Skills and Training Newsletter 

Your go-to source for the latest updates on skills and training direct to your inbox. We understand the importance of staying informed in today's rapidly changing landscape, and our team is dedicated to providing you with valuable and regularly updated information.

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We'd be delighted to provide assistance, or if you think there's additional content or information that we should include, please let us know.