Specify VHR And Find Quality Contractors With Confidence
Protect people, property and reputation easily, with a contractor you can trust. All Vent Hygiene Register contractors have completed our robust audit which ensures they can demonstrate their commercial and technical ability. They also work to the industry specification TR19® Grease, which is recognised by the RISCAuthority, British Standards and London Fire Brigade.
When it comes to projects, you want to ensure you get the right contractors, for the right job, every time. Being able to evidence that you have delivered on your responsibilities for safeguarding the lives of those who will be living and working in the commercial properties you manage, is imperative in a post Grenfell world and the enactment of the Building Safety Act 2022.
Vent Hygiene is more than just cleaning, it's fire prevention. Which is why having your grease extraction systems cleaned by an approved vent hygiene contractor guarantees you peace of mind and reassurance that the risk of fire within your commercial kitchen has been significantly reduced and meets the industry specification TR19® Grease. Ensure you always check your vent hygiene contractors are VHR approved.
Specifying the industry specification TR19® Grease and approved Vent Hygiene Registered Contractors in your procurement process will:
VHR Can Help Multiple Sectors
Vent hygiene covers more then just your typical commercial kitchen, which is why the Vent Hygiene Register can help multiple sectors find consistent quality contractors for your vent hygiene contracts.
- Facilities Management
- Insurers
- NHS Trusts and Healthcare Providers
- High Security Facilities
- Government and Public Bodies
- Principal Contractors
- Local Authorities
- Education
- Hospitality
- Transport
- Private Healthcare and Care Homes
- Banking
- Pharmaceutical
- Warehouse and Distribution Centres
Collaborate & Educate
We all deserve to live and work in safe and healthy environments, which is why the specification of TR19® Grease and the Vent Hygiene Register is vital more than ever to keep driving towards a regulated industry. Driving specification and procurement of VHR means we spread the word, raise awareness and save lives.
At least one fire everyday in the UK is in a commercial kitchen, so let's not wait for another tragedy like Grenfell to happen and be part of the positive change now.
To find out about specifying TR19® Grease and VHR, how you can collaborate with us and become part of the VHR Community, get in touch with us on 01768 860455 or email contact@venthygieneregister.com.
Always Check Contractors
Unfortunately, there are vent hygiene companies out there who claim they are TR19® Grease compliant. They fraudulently display the Vent Hygiene Register accreditation on their van and website but aren't registered with us. That is why it is important to always use our Find a VHR Contractor search tool, which is simple to use and can be filtered by area. If you can't find the contractor on there, it says suspended or removed, then we strongly advise you select a vent hygiene contractor who is registered and approved.
If you would like to report a contractor for fraudulently using the VHR logo or claiming their work is TR19® Grease compliant, then please email contact@venthygieneregister.com. We will investigate and take action.
Complaints & Appeals
If you are unhappy with work carried out by a Vent Hygiene Registered contractor, then you can submit your complaint via contact@venthygieneregister.com. We have a complaints and appeals process, which is administrated by BESCA, our third party auditing company.
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