Downloads & Guidance
Additional Guidance & Documents
The long-awaited new edition of the BESA Technical Standard for UK HIU Test Regime is finally here and available to download for free. This edition will replace the original standard (2016) and revised version in 2018.
What's New?
It has been expanded and restructured into a modular approach that will allow for the testing of additional types of HIU including space heating only models
Now includes a DHW load test and changes to the way the annual volume weighted return temperature (VWART) is calculated
Covers seven different types of HIU and has pass/fail thresholds leading to registration of a successful test
The new modular nature of the test is designed to minimise the amount of re-testing but maximises the information provided to specifiers
Also available to download are the individual BESA HIU Test Modules from 1 to 10.
Here are a number of useful guidance and documents to assist with the Technical Standard for UK HIU Test Regime: