

22 July 2024

BESAs top 5 AI areas to watch within ...

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in engineering has brought about a paradigm shift in the industry, propelling engineers to new ...
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21 June 2024

The 2024 Mantra: Insulate & Ventilate | ...

As we march through 2024 with an intense focus on achieving net zero buildings, one mantra must guide the construction industry: Insulate AND ...
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17 May 2024

Four steps to mould-free homes

Most people’s first instinct when dealing with mould is to clean it away. But although it’s possible to scrub mould from walls and tiles, this is ...
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17 May 2024

Monitoring & Managing Indoor Air Quality in ...

Many employees moved to working from home during 2020, and numerous employers are planning on offering staff the option to continue that practice, or ...
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19 April 2024

Top Tips for Crafting a Winning Entry for ...

Getting shortlisted for the BESA Industry Awards can be a game-changer for your business. It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase your achievements, ...
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15 June 2022

They Are Not Perfect, But We Can Work With ...

Changes to the Building Regulations that come into force today can help the industry make buildings healthier and more comfortable while also ...
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10 March 2022

Become an Apprentice and change the world!

Neil Brackenridge started out as an engineering apprentice and is now Past-President of the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA). He ...
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19 February 2022

Out of Adversity Comes A United Front

“Coming together is a beginning; staying together is progress; and working together is success” Henry Ford.
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15 December 2021

China Is Already Leading Us Down The Path To ...

BESA CEO David Frise explains why 2022 could see some major progress on net zero driven – not by policy - but by a dramatic shift in the economics ...
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20 August 2021

Employment Crisis - What Crisis?

In the early months of the pandemic, forecasters predicted dire consequences for employment in just about every sector of the UK economy. The Bank of ...
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1 July 2021

We Don’t Live In A Cold Country Anymore

We used to live in a cold country, but we don’t anymore, says BESA chief executive officer David Frise.
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31 March 2021

Shrewsbury 24 | Dying In Plain Sight

The long overdue acquittal last week of the ‘Shrewsbury 24’ who were convicted of illegal picketing 47 years ago took us back to a dark era of ...
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