
Pipe Plus App

BESA in partnership with the BMTFA, has launched the UK's first ever metal pipework selection tool app.

The BESA Pipe Plus app covers all aspects of pipework specification for construction and building engineering projects including guidance on all relevant materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, and copper, and the appropriate jointing options, as a function of temperature and pressure.


Pipework Peace Of Mind

The BESA Pipe Plus App is the perfect solution for:

  • Clients, building owners, developers, architects, designers and specifiers
  • Pipe installers, project manager, site managers and site supervisors
  • Distributors, trade counters and wholesalers
  • Pipework manufacturers


A Simple Solution

The FREE BESA Pipe Plus App is a simple tool which enables you to:

  • Select the right pipework system that meets the required industry standards
  • Avoid costly mistakes caused by incorrect installation
  • Have a one-stop shop for guidance on installation whilst on the go


Download For Free Here:

Please note: Currently, we're facing difficulties with fresh downloads via the Google Store. However, rest assured, if you already have the app, your access remains unaffected. Our team is working to fix this issue swiftly and to get the Google Store link back up and running at the earliest opportunity.

The Apple App store remains unaffected and can be downloaded below:


The Story So Far

Three years in the making, what started out as a pipe dream, has now finally become a reality thanks to the collaboration of BESA's Pipework App Development Group and the British Metal Tubes and Fittings Association (BMTFA). The app development brought together manufacturers’ technical expertise, distributors’ understanding of poor specifications, and installers concerned about reducing risks associated with poor or incorrect product selection. 

Both BESA and BMTFA have repeatedly warned about the risks posed by making poorly informed product choices, which can impact pressure integrity, temperature suitability, service life and performance, resulting in increased risks, extra maintenance, compliance and sign off challenges, as well as reduced system lifetime.


45% of Failures in pipework systems caused by incorrect or poor installation*

25% of Failures caused by incorrect product being used for application*


The confusion surrounding what type of welded carbon steel tube to select is a glaring example of the pitfalls the app will help contractors avoid. There are two distinct types of this kind of tube: cold-formed or hot-finished.

While both look largely the same when installed, they have very different performance and compliance characteristics, meaning that cold-formed may not be suitable for a range of applications. 

The BESA Pipe Plus app is a portal to a comprehensive industry database to support accurate product specification including details of steel grades, technical delivery conditions, installation guidance and other BESA supporting information. The App also directs users to BMTFA members who can supply more detailed product information and support.

So what are you waiting for? Start saving your clients, specifiers and contractors time and money by avoiding costly mistakes and bringing more clarity to your supply chain by downloading the free BESA Pipe Plus App now!

*Source: Based on claims data for the period 2010 – 2020, as kindly supplied by BMTFA and BESA Affiliate member, and may not reflect other possible routes to market.


Download For Free Here:

Please note: Currently, we're facing difficulties with fresh downloads via the Google Store. However, rest assured, if you already have the app, your access remains unaffected. Our team is working to fix this issue swiftly and to get the Google Store link back up and running at the earliest opportunity.

The Apple App store remains unaffected and can be downloaded below:



A Special Thank You

Without the following people the BESA Pipe Plus App would still be a pipe dream, we we would like to extend our thanks to:







As always we welcome any feedback so please let us know your thoughts by emailing

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