Guide to completing the Business Management Review (BMR)
The BESA Competence Assessment Standard (CAS) Business Management Review (BMR) has 7 sections to complete. This guide is intended to be used as preparation for the review and as further explanatory notes when completing the online BMR.

Business Management Review (BMR) Sections
Section & Title (Number of Questions) |
Exempt if you have: Relevant ISO Certification |
Exempt if you have either: CHAS Elite, Construction Line Gold/Platinum, Achilles, Building Confidence, CQMS, Safety Scheme Premium Elite or SCCS Build Assured CAS |
Exempt if you have either: SSIP Accreditation or ISO45001 Occupational H&S Certificate |
Section A - Audit Details (5) | - | No | - |
Section B - Financial Management (7) | - | YES | - |
Section C - Professional Integrity (6) | - | YES | - |
Section D - Quality Management (10) | YES | YES | - |
Section E - Health & Safety Management (5) | YES | YES | YES |
Section F - Environmental Management (4) | YES | YES | - |
Section G - Employment, Training & Equality (4) | - | YES | - |
You only complete the questions you need to – if you already have certain types of certifications, these can exempt you from answering some or all of the audit questions, for example:
- Upload CHAS Elite, Constructionline Gold/Platinum, Achilles Building Confidence CQMS Safety-Scheme Premium/Elite or SCCS Build Assured CAS in Section A2. Your Business Management Review is now complete, no further questions require an answer.
- By uploading either an SSIP accreditation or ISO45001 Occupational H&S certificate in Section A this will automatically exempt you from answering questions in Section E.
If you employ less than 5 employees some questions are either exempt or require a reduced amount of evidence.
The following guide explains each question, what evidence we are looking for and examples of certificates, policy, procedures. We suggest you read through the guide before you start and gather all the documents and evidence you need. We have also provided quick ‘How to’ videos for each question to show you how to upload your evidence or supporting documentation in the BESCA portal.

Don't forget your BESA Membership team and BESCA Auditors are on hand to help you through the audit process so don't hesitate to get in touch:
BESA: 0345 646 1044 or mebership@thebesa.com
BESCA: 0800 652 5533 or info@besca.org.uk
This section is pre-populated with your company details.
You will be asked to check the details are correct, make any changes and specify a client and site details of an installation against which we will carry out your technical evaluation against.
For FM companies, your evaluation will be relevant to your Maintenance & Inspection works and will be completed via a desk-based evaluation.
Does your organisation hold any of the following certification?
- CHAS Elite
- Construction Line Gold/Platinum
- Achilles Building Confidence
- CQMS Safety-Scheme Premium/Elite
- SCCS Build Assured CAS
We are looking for you to demonstrate that your company meets the Build UK pre-qualification Common Assessment Standard. If your company holds a current certificate issued by one of the above organisations you will have fully met the BESA Business Management Review (BMR) audit criteria. Congratulations your BMR is now complete! If you don’t have a certificate, then simply carry on with the audit questions.
IF NO: Continue with audit question A3
- Upload your in-date certificate
- Enter the expiry date
The remainder of the BMR is now exempt.
Does your organisation hold a UKAS (or mutually recognised by UKAS) accredited independent third-party certificate of compliance with BS EN ISO 9001?
We are looking for your ISO9001 Quality Management System Certificate. It must have been issued by an accredited UKAS (or mutually regonised by UKAS) third party organisation and must not have expired.
IF NO: Continue with audit question A4
- Upload your in-date certificate
- Enter the expiry date
By uploading your certificate, the Quality Management questions in Section D will be exempt.
If your certificate does not display the UKAS logo, it cannot be used in this section. Search accredited organisations.
Does your organisation hold a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited independent third-party certificate of compliance with BS EN ISO 14001 or a valid EMAS certificate?
We are looking for your ISO9001 Quality Management System Certificate. It must have been issued by an accredited UKAS (or mutually regonised by UKAS) third party organisation and must not have expired.
IF NO: Carry on with audit questions
- Upload your in-date certificate
- Enter the expiry date
By uploading your certificate, the Environmental Management questions in Section F will be exempt.
Does your organisation hold a SSIP Certificate or UKAS (or mutually regonised by UKAS) accredited independent third-party certificate of compliance with BS EN ISO 45001 occupational Health and Safety?
We are looking for either your ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety Certificate or SSIP certification. It must have been issued by an accredited SSIP assessment body or UKAS (or equivalent) third party organisation and must not have expired.
IF NO: Carry on with audit questions
- Upload your in-date certificate
- Enter the expiry date
By uploading your certificate, the Health & Safety Management questions in Section E will be exempt.
If your certificate does not display the UKAS logo, it cannot be used in this section. Search accredited organisations.
Financial Information about your company.
We are looking for evidence of your accounts, this could be financial information e.g. forecasts for a start-up business, copy of most recent accounts that contain turnover, balance sheet etc for a sole trader or partnerships or a financial statement from Companies House for incorporated businesses.
In the BMR portal follow the guidance and select from Type 1-5 the accounts evidence that you will upload on behalf of the business.
If you are a company based outside the UK and registered with Companies House, please ensure that your registration number includes the prefix FC.
Please provide a copy of your Employers Liability Insurance.
This question is not applicable when you’re the sole director of your limited company, own 50% or more of the shares, and have no employees – in which case Employers’ Liability Insurance isn’t required. In this case select N/A.
Upload a copy of your policy certificate.
Insert your policy expiry date.
Please provide a copy of your Public Liability Insurance. (Minimum £2m required)
This is a mandatory question and evidence requirement for all businesses.
Upload a copy of your policy certificate.
You must be able to evidence at least £2m of insurance cover. Insert your policy expiry date.
Please provide a copy of your Professional Indemnity Insurance if your business is involved in any of the following categories:
- design work; or
- acting as a consultant; or
- providing professional services; or
- providing professional advice and/or assessments.
Select N/A if your business does not require PI insurance.
If Yes: Upload a copy of your policy certificate.
Insert your policy expiry date.
Please provide a copy of your Product Liability Insurance cover.
This question is only applicable where products are being supplied if not please select N/A.
Select N/A if your business does not require PL insurance.
If Yes: Upload a copy of your policy certificate.
Insert your policy expiry date.
If you use sub-contractors, do you check whether your sub-contractors are financially stable and have met all their obligations to HMRC?
This is a Yes or N/A answer and may be followed up as part of the technical evaluation of your audit. We are looking for a statement/policy/document that provides details on your sub-contractor selection, suitability and financial checks. For example, this could be a pre-qualification questionnaire.
Select N/A if your business does not use contractors.
Select Yes: Upload a copy of your subcontractor checks.
Have you been under investigation/enquiry or served any fines/penalties by HMRC or an overseas authority B7 in the last 6 years?
Select No: if the question is not relevant.
Select Yes: Provide details of any investigations/ enquiries/fines or penalties.
Do you have an anti-bribery and corruption policy?You should have an anti-bribery policy if there is a risk that someone who works for you or on your behalf might be exposed to bribery. Your anti-bribery policy should be appropriate to the level of risk your business faces. Your policy should include: your approach to reducing and controlling the risks of bribery.
Select No: Explain reasons why in further details.
Select Yes: Upload a copy of your policy.
BESA Bribery policy guidance: CLICK HERE
BESA Anti-Corruption and Bribery compliance: CLICK HERE
Your policy should include:
• your approach to reducing and controlling the risks of bribery
• rules about accepting gifts, hospitality or donations
• guidance on how to conduct your business, eg negotiating contracts
• rules on avoiding or stopping conflicts of interest.
Do you have a drug and alcohol policy?
We are looking for a copy of your policy. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) advises that employers should have a clear policy on misuse of drugs or alcohol. This could be included in your H&S Policy or a stand-alone document if your business is under 5 employees.
Select No: Explain reasons why in further details.
Select Yes: Upload a copy of your policy.
HSE Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work: CLICK HERE
And policy: CLICK HERE
Do you have a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy?
We are looking for a copy of your policy.
Select Yes: please upload copies of relevant documents -this could be either a single corporate social responsibility policy or multiple codes of practice. The documents could include examples of your company’s approach to: compliance; protecting people and the environment; volunteering; learning; supporting the community; business ethics; treatment of workers etc.
If you are a micro-business, you may answer N/A.
Considerate Constructors Scheme CSR Policy Template:
Do you have an Anti-Slavery Statement or Policy?
We are looking for a copy of your policy.
Select N/A if turnover less than £36m.
Select No: Explain why in further details.
Select Yes: Upload a copy of your policy.
Insert your policy expiry date.
If your annual turnover is more than £36million, you are legally required to have an anti-slavery and human trafficking statement and this question is mandatory. Please provide a copy of your statement which must define the steps the organisation has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains and in any part of its own business.
Are any Directors or Executive Officers the subject of criminal or civil court action for bankruptcy, insolvency, etc?
We are seeking a declaration from the company that its senior officers have not been subject to court action or, in the case of action being applied, the details of the event(s).
Select No: if no action has been served.
Select Yes: provide details of circumstances and actions.
Are there any unsatisfied County or High Court judgements or any enforcements and/or remedial orders (HSE, EA, HMRI, etc.) in the last three years?
Like the previous question, we require information on any court actions within the past 3-years
Select No: if no action has been served.
Select Yes: provide details of circumstances and actions.
Please provide evidence of processes that meet the business needs and enables the effective planning and delivery of business operations.
We are looking for evidence on how your business operations are managed. Typical examples include functional processes and procedures e.g. organisational chart, quality manuals.
Upload examples of business management documentation – you can upload multiple files.
Please provide evidence of your company’s Customer Complaints procedure?
It is important that the company has a clear and visible complaints policy. It should contain clear guidance on how to complain and response times. We may also check your complaints record by sampling during the conference call.
Upload Complaints Procedure.
Provide further detail on staff awareness of complaints procedure and record keeping.
BESA Guide to Customer Complaints handling: CLICK HERE
Do you have processes in place for the selection and control of sub-contractors?
We are looking for evidence on your selection and control procedures/documents when you engage a sub-contractor to carry out work for your business. It is important robust subcontractor competency check(s) takes place.
Upload Documents and provide further written details as appropriate.
Select N/A if you do not use sub-contractors.
Document pack D3 Contractor questionare less than 5 Contractor questionnarie more than 5 Proceedure for the hire of contractors: Download the full BESA BMR Document Pack HERE
Subcontracting: How is on-site & ongoing performance monitoring and review carried out?
Once onboard we need to see evidence that your sub-contractors are monitored to ensure quality performance is evaluated. Evidence of checks completed such as site safety audits.
Upload your sub-contractor monitoring document if you have one.
Or, describe the process in which sub-contractors are supervised and how their performance is reported on.
Select N/A if you do not use sub-contractors.
Document pack D4 Site safety audit Contractor induction Contractor H&S Checklist: Download the full BESA BMR Document Pack HERE
Please provide supporting evidence which demonstrates you have risk management policies, procedures and systems.
We require evidence of reference documents either hard-copy or electronic relating to your scope of work. These include as examples Approved Documents, Specifications and British Standards.
Upload Document and provide further written D5 details if appropriate.
Document pack D5 Risk assessment policy arrangement & procedure: Download the full BESA BMR Document Pack HERE
Are records of business activities kept and retained for at least six years?
We are looking for evidence of record keeping for six years in line with Government guidance if you run a Limited company. Sole Traders must keep records for at least 5 years.
Upload evidence of retention.
Self-employed Limited Business
Does the company have access to National Specifications, Standards and/or Regulations that apply to their scope of work?
You don’t need to upload all documents, evidence that you or your employees have access will suffice e.g. screenshot of online access or photograph of hard copies.
Upload evidence. Provide details in text box.
All ‘in scope’ notifiable works registered with local authorities within 30 days and certified to customer?
All controlled services work is required to be notified to LABC. There are various methods this can be done either through Local Authorities Building Control, Competent Person Schemes, Full Plans, Principal Contractor etc.
Select No: Provide detail in box provided.
Select N/A: Move on to next question.
Select Yes: Upload evidence.
To access TB053: Notification of Works under Building Regulations for England: click HERE.
Please provide evidence of written quotations, showing breakdown of elements involved for works carried out.
The quotation submitted should be in relation to the completed works submitted for technical review and detailed in section A.
Upload quotation document.
Are written terms of contract in place for the completed works being reviewed in the technical audit?
Please provide evidence of conditions under which the quotation is accepted, and subsequent work is managed and delivered. This should be specific to the works being reviewed as part of your technical audit.
Upload contract document or section of.
Please provide evidence of your company’s Health & Safety policy.
We are looking for a copy of your health and safety policy document. You are expected to have and implement an appropriate policy, signed by the Managing Director or equivalent. The policy must be relevant to the nature and scale of your work and set out the responsibilities for Health & Safety management at all levels within the organisation. If business is under 5 employee’s Regulation 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act will require just a written policy statement.
HSE Policy Template Click here
BESA has produced a policy template to help you. Below are a selection of useful documents accesible in the template pack that accompanies this guide.
Document pack E1
Policy template for over 5 employees. Policy statement for under 5 employees.
Please provide evidence of how your organisation provides it employees/other workforce with health E2 and safety training
Upload training evidence
Evidence of H&S culture including records, Mental Health at Work Programme, certificates of attendance and adequate H&S induction training. Example of ‘Toolbox Talk’, type training. Evidence of relevant training as required by H&S legislation or approved code of practice e.g. Asbestos Awareness Training
Do you routinely record and review accidents/incidents/ near misses and undertake follow-up action?
Please provide evidence of how you record and investigate accidents and incidents. This could include: • Records of the last two accidents/incidents and action taken to prevent recurrence • Records of any enforcement action taken over the last five years • What action was taken to put matters right (information on enforcement taken by HSE over the last five years is available on the HSE website). For large companies, please also provide simple statistics showing incidence rates of specified injuries, over seven-day injuries, reportable cases of ill health and dangerous occurrences for the last three years. Records should include any incidents that occurred to direct employees or subcontractors including if the company traded under a different name
L74 First Aid at Work (Approved Code of Practice) Click here
IND (G) 347 Basic Advice on First Aid at Work Click here
Document Pack E3
First aid needs assessment template. Accident investigation template. Riddor and first aid policy and arrangements.
Please provide evidence of arrangements for cooperating and co-ordinating your work with others (including other suppliers, notably contractors).
Upload details of arrangements
Please provide supporting evidence which could include:
• Sample risk assessments
• Procedural arrangements
• How the organisation coordinates its work with other interested parties
• Project team meeting notes
Please provide evidence of your risk assessments, safe systems of work and method statements.
Evidence showing how the company will identify significant Health & Safety hazards and how the assessed risks will be controlled. Evidence required, sample risk assessments/safe systems of work/method statements. If you employ less than five persons and do not have written arrangements, you should be able to describe how you achieve the above.
Download HSE Risk Assessments HERE
BESA has a number of templates to help you complete a risk assessment. Below is a selection of risk assessments accessible in the template pack that accompanies this guide.
Document pack E5
Risk assessment Templates Download the full BESA BMR Document Pack Here
Is there a documented Environmental Management Policy that reduces and/or prevents detrimental impacts to aspects of company business and resource depletion?
More and more often companies are being asked to demonstrate their commitment to managing their impacts on the environment.
This could include insurers or financiers wanting to understand how environmental risk is managed in an organisation, or customers wanting to know that suppliers in their supply chain are taking their own environmental responsibilities seriously. Having an Environmental Management Policy is one way for an organisation to demonstrate that it addresses and minimises its environmental impacts, manages its legal compliance and continuously improves its environmental performance.
Although there is no legal requirement or standard structure for an environmental policy there are key areas that such a policy should contain. It should say what the key objectives that the company is following, who is accountable and how these are going to be achieved and by whom.
• Areas to look at could include:
• Transportation
• Stationery and supplies
• Improved efficiency
• Improve recycling/ minimise waste
• Dealing with other like-minded companies
• Continuous improvement
Document pack F1
Environmental Policy template
Download the full BESA BMR Document Pack Here
How does your organisation effectively deal with waste disposal, pollution control and recycling, and how the business works within resource limits?
Upload documents and provide details:
Document pack F2
Environmental Impact assessment example
Download the full BESA BMR Document Pack HERE
Please provide evidence that environmental policies and training are distributed and provided to the necessary people within your business, including sub-Contractors where applicable.
Upload documents and provide details:
Please see document pack D3, D4, Environmental Policy template & environmental toolbox talk.
Staff environmental training should be completed in relation to the responsibilities held. For small companies, simple online training on environmental awareness, together with in-house training such as toolbox talks, to explain company procedures is sufficient.
Is the company Registered, where needed, as a waste carrier with Environment Agency? (including if necessary Hazardous Waste Producer Registration (Wales)).
Select N/A: If this is not relevant to your F4 business.
Please provide evidence that employees are issued with a written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment, on or before the commencement of employment. This may be included within an initial offer letter of employment, but must cover statutory requirements of S1 ERA ’96 (see ACAS template aside).
Select N/A: If you are a sole trader.
Template Form A (hourly paid, site-based Operatives) and Form B (Student Engineers & Salaried Staff) available on request from BESA Employment Affairs for those Employers that engage employees under the terms of one of BESA’s National Working Rule Agreements.
Available on request from BESA Employment Affairs.
Tel: 020 7313 4915
Email: employment.affairs@thebesa.com
Other Employers – see Written Statement of Employment Particulars template produced by ACAS – access ACAS template
Please provide evidence that all your Upload evidence: workforce (including those who are self-employed), who are working on construction sites undertaking a recognised construction occupation, hold appropriate evidence of qualifications, skills and knowledge.
Upload evidence:
Evidence could include:
• Staff training matrix
• CSCS Card or Partner Card Scheme
• Site SSSTS training course
• Certificates of training attendance
• Adequate health & safety induction training
• Competencies data base
• Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
• Commitment to health and safety training in the health and safety policy
• Staff CV
Please provide supporting evidence which demonstrates that you are providing your workforce with qualityrelated training, CPD and information appropriate to the type of work they undertake.
From April 2020, written statement of main terms and conditions of employment requires the employer to stipulate training requirements for the job and who is responsible for providing (& funding) the training (EE or ER).
Uplaod evidence:
Template Form A (hourly paid, site-based Operatives) and Form B (Student Engineers & Salaried Staff) available on request from BESA Employment Affairs.
Note: If your workforce is engaged under the terms of either the HVAC Operative National Working Rule Agreement or Staff Salary Agreement, these provide the qualification frameworks that support the grading definitions.
Other Employers - see Written Statement of Employment Particulars template produced by ACAS (section 12 entitled ‘Training’ – access ACAS template HERE
Tel: 020 7313 4915 Email: employment.affairs@thebesa.com
As an employer, do you meet the requirements of the positive equality duties in relation to the Equalities Act 2010?
Please upload a copy of your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy, which is applicable to the equality legislation for your country, which should be approved by the appropriate company director and regularly reviewed (within the last 12 months) or you can provide copies of relevant instructions, guidance, policies, literature or written statement/ evidence of relevant actions which demonstrate that you meet the requirements and where you believe they have made a difference.
Upload policy:
Enter your policy expiry date
- Equality Act 2010: Guidance
- Guidance for employers about their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010
- Equality Act Guidance