
Building Safety Act Competencies & Requirements

What are Building Safety Act (BSA) Competencies?

"Competence: A Legal Imperative"

Legal Obligation: Competence isn't just a choice; it's a legal requirement.

Under the Act, the Regulator has the authority to enforce competence requirements on individuals undertaking building work. Clause 33, Schedule 1 of the Building Act 1984 defines competence as possessing the appropriate "skills, knowledge, experience, and behaviours," and mandates that all individuals engaged in design, construction, refurbishment, and maintenance work must demonstrate competence in their respective roles.

Individual Competence: All appointed individuals must possess the required skills, knowledge, experience, and behaviours for their roles. This competency must be demonstrated through recognised assessments and for example, ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

It is important that their work adheres to the Building Regulations and any other relevant laws. Additionally, individuals must only undertake work within the limits of their competence and capacity.

Organisational Capability: Organisations must demonstrate and evidence their (and their supply chain) capability, competence, and capacity to fulfil their obligations under building regulations. This includes ensuring suitable support, management, and supervision, along with providing necessary resources to ensure competent outcomes.

Documentation and Reporting: Comprehensive documentation and evidence of both individual and organisational competence must be recorded and reported, ensuring transparency and accountability.

This emphasis on competence highlights the critical importance of ensuring that all individuals and organisations involved in building services are adequately skilled and equipped to fulfil their roles and can evidence it.